The Journey
Born on May 15,2002, in the vibrant city of Chicago, Tatiana Hardimon discovered her artistic flair early in life. From the halls of kindergarten, art became her unwavering passion, shaping the trajectory of her journey. With a deep love for both art and fashion intertwined in her soul, Tatiana envisions a world where her creations transcend traditional boundaries. Fuelled by her creativity, she aspires to blend her artistry seamlessly into the fabric of fashion, creating garments that not only adorn the body but also tell a story – a fusion where each stitch and hue embodies the essence of her artistic vision. Tatiana’s relentless pursuits of merging art and fashion heralds a new chapter in her narrative, one where creativity knowns no limits and imagination knowns no bounds.
"The story is BLACK & WHITE but I live in COLOR"